Editorial Policy

We know accuracy is important to you, and it’s just as important to us, too. There are several ways that we review different kinds of content to ensure trustworthiness.

You’ll notice a badge at the top of the page that will indicate if our content has been medically reviewed (to ensure all medical content is accurate), been fact-checked to meet our required parameters, or is an expert perspective offered by one of our credentialed professionals.

Medically Reviewed Content

Our medical content is either written or reviewed by a relevant expert and meets our editorial standards. Our editorial team continuously reviews content to ensure it’s in line with the latest evidence-based medical information.

When we talk about adhering to evidence-based medical information or conventional medical advice, the guidelines that are closely observed come from respected expert organizations, including:

  • American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG).
  • American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FACOG).
  • American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
  • Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).
  • Plus, peer-reviewed medical journals.

You can check out the included sources in our content by expanding “Article Sources”, which is a link at the bottom of an article. We also include an ”Updated” date at the top of the page so you can trust the relevancy of the content.

Fact-Checked Content

We believe personal experiences add value to our community. We’re committed to offering a healthy balance of perspectives and individual fertility experiences. We feature those who inspire us as FertilitySmarts Voices contributors. While telling their own story or perspective, our fact-checking process ensures that contributors:

  • Link directly to the original source of any statistics or quotes used.
  • Reference only reliable sources or studies.
  • Indicate any conflict of interest (sponsorships, business ownership, etc.)
  • Indicate if anything goes against conventional medical advice.

Expert Perspective

We feature expert perspectives on topics where a definitive answer may be unknown, such as expert advice on how to respond to insensitive comments, or deciding when to stop infertility treatment.

All of our content that’s labeled “Expert Perspective” will feature information offered by a credentialed professional who is a subject-area expert.

This site complies with the HONcode standard
for trustworthy health information.

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